How to order / get a license

  1. Download and install Royal Render ( ).
  2. Fill out the registration form in rrConfig (left menu server, tab RR License).
  3. Upload a license request file via rrConfig.
  4. Buy RRender via the links provided in rrConfig, via your reseller or ask our support.
  5. Once the order system notifies us that you have ordered and paid for the packages via their website, we send a license file via email.



VAT information:
    Prices are without any VAT.

    We offer the prices in EURO and USD.

Client package information:

  • 1 client license is for 1 machine/computer (all cores)
  • You do not need to have a license for machines that submit jobs.
    But: RR is designed to run well on workstations that are used by Artists. RR can render at night or if nobody is logged in or in the background with less cores and low system priority.

University/Educational Institute:
     We offer 70% discount for universities or other educational institutes.
     We offer 80% discount for universities or other educational institutes with 60 clients or more.

All Sales Are Final
We can not refund an order. Please carefully review your order before confirming your purchase. All sales are considered final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for any products or services sold. More information


Prices - Yearly Subscription and Rental:

  • Subscription and Rental licenses include support&maintenance.
  • Multiple licenses can be combined.
    These Subscription and Rental Licenses can be added to your existing perpetual licenses as well.
  1 Client >20 Clients >50 Clients >100 Clients
1 year 50 $/€ per client
46 $/€ per client 43 $/€ per client 40 $/€ per client
6 months 29 $/€ per client 26 $/€ per client 24 $/€ per client 22 $/€ per client
3 months 19 $/€ per client 17 $/€ per client 16 $/€ per client 15 $/€ per client

(Prices are without any VAT)


Prices - CloudManager


  • We offer pre-paid only. (Like your pre-paid mobile, you charge RR with cloud hours first, then you can use them)
  • Each VM instance costs per second as long as the rrCloudClient is running, no matter if rendering or not.
  • Prices are for Royal Render only. They do not include VMs nor render app licenses.
  • The rrServer requires to be licensed as well. You need at least 1 default on-premise rrClient license.
    Older rrServer versions as 9.1.09 and earlier require 1 default on-premise rrClient license for each rrCloudConnector*.
Cloud Hours Package price in US Dollar or Euro =Price per hour per VM
5 hours 0 0,00/h
500 hours 150 0,30/h
5 000 hours 1250 0,25/h
20 000 hours 3600 0,18/h
75 000 hours 8250 0,11/h

(Prices are without any VAT)

* rrCloudConnector:
You can start multiple 'Cloud Connectors' within the rrCloudManager app.
A Cloud Connector contains settings like VM image and VM hardware specs.
One rrCloudConnector can control up to 1000 VMs. (1000 with one job thread each, or 500 with 2 job threads each)


Prices - Perpetual Licenses


  • Perpetual licenses require yearly support&maintenance.

Perpetual - New Licenses:

1 Client >20 Clients >40 Clients >100 Clients
175 $/€ per client
150 $/€ per client 135 $/€ per client 100 $/€ per client

(Prices are without any VAT)

Perpetual - Support&Maintenance per year:

  1 Client >20 Clients >40 Clients >100 Clients
1 year 33 $/€ per client
28 $/€ per client 24 $/€ per client 21 $/€ per client

(Prices are without any VAT)


Support & Maintenance

With support&maintenance you get:

  • All new release updates with bug fixes and new features (9.1.07 to 9.1.08)
  • All new minor versions updates (9.1.xx to 9.2.xx)
  • All new major releases (9.x to 10.x)
  • Further render support (e.g. render job issues not directly related to RR)
  • Remote sessions on request

Note about free updates:
Support&Maintenance is required for ANY update, even from 9.1.08 to 9.1.09.
We do not have a "short" release cycle of a year for major versions (Like Autodesk does, every year a new version).
RR has LTS releases only, our major version v9 was released in 2023, version 10 will probably be released 2026.
In the meantime we build new features and bug fixes into version 9.x.
Which is why you have to be on Support&maintenance at the time the version was released to use it.