Example file
This is an example of a submitter defaults file.
Every option has an "info:" line that explains the format of the setting and the setting itself.
A # in front of a setting means that it is ignored.
(In this example all options are ignored)
Note about missing settings:
If you add any pre/post-script or if we add a new option to RR, then these new settings are not in this help document.
You have to use the rrSubmitter menu to edit/open a file.
# This file controls the default values for the submitter and control
# There can be multiple submitter config files which are loaded
# You can also specify all options in a commandline for submitter or control.
# The files are loaded in this order:
# 0) renderapp/_config/[renderApp].cfg
# ---------------------------------------
# 1) sub/cfg_global/submitter_first.txt
# 2) sub/cfg_user/submitter_prj_[ProjectName].txt
# 3) sub/cfg_user/submitter_usr_[UserLoggedIn].txt
# 4) sub/cfg_user/submitter_mac_[MachineName].txt
# 5) Commandline
# 6) (Show All menu item: Sets allowChange=1 for all options)
# 7) sub/cfg_global/submitter_last.txt
# 8) sub/cfg_global/submitter_last_non_admin.txt (loaded if you are not an rrAdmin)
# ---------------------------------------
# 9) renderapp/_config/[renderApp].cfg
# The Settings are stacked.
# e.g. If you set a value in 1) submitter_first and this value is not set in any other config file, it is kept.
# Values set in 3) user configs overwrite values from 1) submitter_first.
# 7) submitter_last_non_admin.txt is only loaded if the user logged in is not a RRender admin.
# 0) 8) The render application config is applied two times
# The first time 0) it is loaded as basic settings for the render application.
# Then all the submitter config files are overwriting the parameters.
# Then 8) the render application config is checked again if parameters are not allowed for that render application.
# If a render application does not allow some parameter, it is simply not possible to use it with that application.
# To ensure that those options are not set, it is checked again while a job is send to the rrServer
# The format of this file is ParameterName='Options'
# If 'Options' has multiple options to set, they are divided by a '~'
# The values types are
# AC = Allow change ( 0= Do not allow to change , 1= Allow to change)
# Most of the Parameters have this option. It controls if this setting can be changed at the submitter.
# If it is not allowed to change this value, it is disabled and, if not checked, it is not visible at the submitter at all
# VIS = Visible ( 0 = hidden, 1 = visible)
# Sets if the parameter is visible at the submitter
# COL = Collaped ( 0= Group is expanded , 1= Group is collapsed )
# Changes the expanded/collaped state
# CK = Checked (0 = not checked, 1 = parameter is checked)
# If this is set, the parameter is checked by default
# VAL = Value (Number)
# Default value for the parameter
# TXT = Text (text line)
# Name or parameter line set by default
# NOTE: You do not have to set all values for a parameter.
# You can set an empty space if you do not want to override the value.
# This does not apply for the render config files.
# #RenderPreviewFirst=AC~CK
# RenderPreviewFirst= 0~0 Not allowed to change (hidden) ~ not checked
# RenderPreviewFirst= 1~0 Allowed to change (and visible) ~ not checked
# RenderPreviewFirst= 1~1 Allowed to change (and visible) ~ checked
# RenderPreviewFirst= ~1 (value is not overridden) ~ checked
# #Param=AC~CK~TXT
# Param= 1~0~ Allowed to change ~ not checked ~ no default parameter line
# Param= 1~0~ -samples_min -2 -samples_max 0 Allowed to change ~ not checked ~ a parameter line for preview antialiasing
#info: UIStyle=AC~TXT rrSubmitterUI - UIStyle
#info: AutoDeleteFrames=AC~CK AutoDeleteFrames
#info: NoLocalDriveWarning=AC~CK NoLocalDriveWarning
#info: CloseAfterSubmit=AC~CK rrSubmitterUI - CloseAfterSubmit
#info: DisableAllScripts=AC~CK DisableAllScripts
#info: WarnIfAllClientsAssigned=AC~CK WarnIfAllClientsAssigned
#info: ShotNameRequired=AC ShotNameRequired
#info: ShowAllOptionsButton=AC rrSubmitterUI - ShowAllOptionsButton
#info: OverrideRendererPossible=AC OverrideRendererPossible
#info: UIGroupRightSubmitter=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Right Panel
#info: UIGroupRightSubmitterPlugin=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Right Panel if started from plugin
#info: UIGroupSceneSettings=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Scene Settings
#info: UIGroupSceneSettingsPlugin=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Scene Settings if started from plu
#info: UIGroupLoadScenePlugin=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Load Scene
#info: UIGroupClients=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Clients
#info: UIGroupClientFilter=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Filter Clients
#info: UIGroupRenderSettings=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Render Settings
#info: UIGroupJobLimitations=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Job Limitations
#info: UIGroupCommandLine=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Commandline
#info: UIGroupCustomSceneSettings=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Custom Scene Settings
#info: UIGroupRROptions=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - RR Options
#info: UIGroupOverride=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Override
#info: UIGroupNotify=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Notify
#info: UIGroupWait=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Wait For
#info: UIGroupOnSubmissionScript=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - On Submission Script
#info: UIGroupAfterPreviewScript=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - After Preview Script
#info: UIGroupPreRenderScript=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Pre Render Script
#info: UIGroupPostRenderScript=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Post Render Script
#info: UIGroupFinishedScript=AC~COL rrSubmitterUI - Finished Script
#info: PriorityMIN=AC~VAL min
#info: PriorityMAX=AC~VAL max
#info: UltimatePriority=AC UltimatePriority
#info: CustomUserInfo=AC~CK~TXT CustomUserInfo
#info: WaitForJob=AC WaitForJob
#info: OverrideRREnvFile=AC~TXT Override rrEnvFile
#info: OverrideRREnvList=AC~TXT Override rrEnvList
#info: OverrideSequence=AC Override Sequence
#info: AllowImageNameChange=AC AllowImageNameChange
#info: AllowImageDirChange=AC AllowImageDirChange
#info: OverridePathPreset=AC~CK~TXT OverridePathPreset
# PathPresets=TXT
# PathPresets=TXT
#..... PathPresets
#info: DefaultClientGroup=AC~TXT DefaultClientGroup
#info: InvalidClientGroup=AC~TXT InvalidClientGroup
#info: WaitForTime=AC~CK~VAL WaitForTime
#info: WaitForDay=AC~CK~VAL WaitForDay
#info: AdditionalCommandlineParam=AC~CK~TXT AdditionalCommandlineParam
#info: Priority=AC~VAL Priority
#info: SeqDivMIN=AC~VAL min
#info: SeqDivMAX=AC~VAL max
#info: SeqDivMINComp=AC~VAL min
#info: SeqDivMAXComp=AC~VAL max
#info: SequenceDivide=AC~CK Sequence Divide
#info: UserName=AC~TXT UserName
#info: CompanyProjectName=AC~TXT CompanyProjectName
#info: CustomSeQName=AC~TXT Sequence
#info: CustomSHotName=AC~TXT Shot
#info: CustomVersionName=AC~TXT Version
#info: CustomSCeneName=AC~TXT Scene
#info: CustomJobType=AC~TXT Version
#info: Division=AC~TXT Division
#info: TileFrame=AC~CK~VAL Tile Frame
#info: SendJobDisabled=AC~CK SendJobDisabled
#info: NotifyFinish=AC~CK~TXT How
#info: NotifyFinishWhen=AC~VAL When
#info: NotifyFinishClient=AC~TXT Client
#info: NotifyFinishParam=AC~VAL Parameter
#info: AbortJobswithLowerPriority=AC~CK Abort Jobs with Lower Priority
#info: IgnoreCrashes=AC~CK Ignore Crashes
#info: ApproveAllAutomatically=AC~CK Approve All Automatically
#info: IgnoreWaitForJobs=AC~CK Ignore Wait For Jobs
#info: RenderPreviewFirst=AC~CK Render Preview First
#info: DoNotShowPreviewJpegs=AC~CK Do Not Show Preview Jpegs
#info: DoNotCheckForFrames=AC~CK Do Not Check For Frames
#info: LittleJob=AC~CK Little Job
#info: Deprecated=AC~CK Deprecated
#info: KeepSceneOpen=AC~CK Keep Scene Open
#info: AllowtoDeleteCrashedFrames=AC~CK Allow to Delete Crashed Frames
#info: AllowLocalSceneCopy=AC~CK Allow Local Scene Copy
#info: AllowTextureReplacement=AC~CK Allow Texture Replacement
#info: AllowLocalRenderOut=AC~CK Allow Local Render Out
#info: Linearcolor=AC~CK Linear color
#info: CropEXR=AC~CK Crop EXR
#info: MultiOSScenes=AC~CK Multi OS Scenes
#info: NoProcessTreeCheck=AC~CK No Process Tree Check
#info: Overwriteexistingfiles=AC~CK Overwrite existing files
#info: NoFreezeDetection=AC~CK No Freeze Detection
#info: GPUrequired=AC~CK GPU required
#info: DistributeStartToEnd=AC~CK Distribute Start To End
#info: Preview-ContiguousFrames=AC~CK Preview- Contiguous Frames
#info: Auto-getRequiredMemory=AC~CK Auto-get Required Memory
#info: Deprecated=AC~CK Deprecated
#info: Deprecated=AC~CK Deprecated
#info: NoFramebyFrameLoop=AC~CK No Frame by Frame Loop
#info: OverrideImageSize=AC~CK Override Image Size
#info: LogRenderWorkload=AC~CK Log Render Workload
#info: RequireApprovalAfterPreview=AC~CK Require Approval After Preview
#info: RequireApprovalAfterAllFrames=AC~CK Require Approval After All Frames
#info: RequireApprovalForCloud=AC~CK Require Approval For Cloud
#info: GPUinAppmoderequired=AC~CK GPU in Appmode required
#info: WaitForJobByFrame=AC~CK Wait For Job By Frame
#info: DonotexportintoHistoryDB=AC~CK Do not export into HistoryDB
#info: Jobnotallowedtobedeleted=AC~CK Job not allowed to be deleted
#info: NumberofPreviewframes=AC~VAL Number of Preview frames
#info: MaxClientsAtATime=AC~VAL Max Clients At A Time
#info: RequiredMemory=AC~VAL Required Memory (GB)
#info: MaxFrameTime=AC~VAL Max Frame Time (minutes)
#info: MinFileSizeKb=AC~VAL Min File Size Kb
#info: MaxCrashes=AC~VAL Max Crashes (red log)
#info: MaxThresholds=AC~VAL Max Thresholds (frame time, sys memory)
#info: RenderVerbose=AC~VAL Render Verbose
#info: RenderQuality=AC~VAL Render Quality
#info: Color=AC~VAL Color
#info: Deprecated=AC~VAL Deprecated
#info: Re-ExecuteJobAfterHours=AC~VAL Re-Execute Job After Hours
#info: StartMultipleInstances=AC~VAL Start Multiple Instances
#info: OverrideImageWidth=AC~VAL Override Image Width
#info: OverrideImageHeight=AC~VAL Override Image Height
#info: RestrictCoreCount=AC~VAL Restrict Core Count
#info: RestrictMemory=AC~VAL Restrict Memory (GB)
#info: RequiredGPUMemory=AC~VAL Required GPU Memory (GB)
#info: RequiredCoreCount=AC~VAL Required Core Count
#info: AASamples=AC~VAL AA Samples
#info: Deletejobafterdays=AC~VAL Delete job after days
#info: OSonce_Example-addEnvVars=AC~CK once| Example - addEnvVars
#info: OSonce_Example-calcSeqShotVersion=AC~CK once| Example - calcSeqShotVersion
#info: OSonce_Example-username_dropdown=AC~CKonce| Example - username_dropdown
#info: OSonce_installmaya2023SP3=AC~CK once| install maya2023 SP3
#info: OSonce_install_Maya2024_sp1=AC~CK once| install_Maya 2024_sp1
#info: OSonce_submit_copy_of_scene=AC~CK once| submit_copy_of_scene
#info: OSperjob_Example-App_3D__hello_job=AC~CK perjob| Example - App_3D__hello_job
#info: OSperjob_Example-hello_job=AC~CK perjob| Example - hello_job
#info: OSperjob_Example-setEnvLine=AC~CK perjob| Example - setEnvLine